If you paid for your photos or videos in-store, and you are still waiting for an email from your tour operator to arrive, we can help you out.

First, check all your email folders, including your SPAM or junk folder. 

If your email isn't in SPAM or junk, use your email's search function and type "Photo Order form". Look for an email from @receipt.picthrive.com.

If you're still unable to find your email, please click here to use our guest support tool.

Wait Times

Your order is only sent once all your photos have been uploaded to the cloud by your tour operator. Uploading and sending photos and videos can occasionally take a while, due to high guest-volumes and limited internet speeds at many tour companies.

When your email is sent to you by your tour operator, it can take a while to be delivered. It has to travel through different Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and talk to servers and other computers before it finally arrives in your inbox. This can take a few minutes, but don't worry! It's on the way!

No Email Arrived

If you've waited a day or two for your email, and it has still not arrived, please click here to use our Guest Support tool.

Email has arrived, but no photos have been sent to me yet

If your email has arrived and you've accessed your gallery, make sure to scroll down to the bottom of you gallery and click the "Download All Photos" link. It looks like this:

Click or tap Download All to download your photos to your computer, and enjoy memories from your trip!